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Getting Started


Goal of Utopia Hooks is to provide a comprehensive, yet flexible state management solution for Flutter apps. It's heavily inspired by React Hooks (and Flutter Hooks), but takes a more holistic approach to the architecture, allowing it to cover the whole presentation layer of the app.

Feel free to visit our page for an additional overview.

Utopia Hooks logoUtopia Hooks logo


Add utopia_hooks to your pubspec.yaml as a dependency and run flutter pub get

utopia_hooks: // latest version

or add the dependency through your console

flutter pub add utopia_hooks


Now in your Flutter application you can use:

import 'package:utopia_hooks/utopia_hooks.dart';

Next step

Based on your experience we recommend few different starting points:

BasicsIf you are new to Hooks and/or Flutter
ArchitectureIf you are an experienced developer
ExamplesIf you prefer to get a real-life overview
vs Flutter HooksIf you are a fellow flutter_hooks enjoyer looking for comparison

Crafted specially for you by UtopiaSoftware 👽